Team Details



Arsh is our receptionist who graduated from St. Clair college, Toronto in 2017. After graduating she moved to Edmonton. You will see her friendly face at the front desk as you walk into the office. She is very proactive and loves to assist people. She is happy to answer your questions, plan for appointments and to help resolve concerns. When not working she loves to listen to music and explore new places.

Doctor's Skills

Neurology Specialist

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Successful Surgery
Patients Satisfaction

Doctor's Awards

Neurology Specialist

It is a long established fact that is reader will be then distracted buy then thing and readable content off page when looking at that page layout. It is a long fact that on readable content of page. It is a long established fact that is reader will be the then distracted by the thing and readable content then page when looking at our and on established fact that page layout and more.It is a long established fact that a reader will be then distracted by the thing is and readable content of page when looking at that page layout. It is a long and established fact that a reader will be then distracted.

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