Team Details

Dr Anuradha Narang


Your Family Dentist in Edmonton

Dr. Anuradha Narang received her initial dental education in India. With a degree in Bachelor of Dental Surgery(BDS) in 2003 and a Masters in Pedodontia and Preventive Dentistry from Christian Dental College and Hospital in 2008, she started her dental practice in India. In the year 2010, after having worked in India for two years, she moved to Canada. In the year 2013, she joined the DDS Advanced Placement Program at the University of Alberta. After graduating in the year 2015 Dr. Anuradha Narang began practicing as a General Dentist and has been serving Edmonton and the surrounding areas ever since. She believes in constantly updating herself in the field of dentistry and therefore undertakes continuing education courses in the US and Canada.

Dr. Narang treats all her patients with empathy and respect and makes sure that they are made to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. She truly cares not just for the oral health of the patient but also for their general well being.

She looks forward to working with you and helping you in not only improving your oral health but also satisfying your aesthetic needs.

Doctor's Skills

Neurology Specialist

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Successful Surgery
Patients Satisfaction

Doctor's Awards

Neurology Specialist

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