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While regular brushing and flossing are imperative to maintain good oral health, complete oral care goes beyond regular brushing and flossing. It is desirable to look up your Dentist once every 6 months. A regular visit to your dentist can help in the early detection of any dental infection or disease.

A comprehensive dental examination usually includes:

  • Reviewing and Updating Medical / Dental History –Oral health and overall health are closely related therefore it is important to understand not just your current medical condition but also your medical history. At My Family Dental Clinic, Dr. Anu Narang will begin with the Comprehensive Dental Examination by reviewing your current and past medical and oral health conditions. The examination will also take into account the medications that you have started taking since your last visit to her.
  • X-Rays / Digital Imaging, Intraoral photos – Dental problems such as cysts and tooth decay can be easily detected with the help of  X-rays and intraoral cameras. Dr. Narang will take X-rays and intraoral photos to assess the condition of your teeth, gums, and the underlying jawbone.
  • Periodontal Examination – During the exam gentle probing of gums is done to assess the overall health of your gums, looking for signs of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Common signs of gingivitis include tooth/gum sensitivity, bleeding while brushing, and redness or inflammation of the gums.
  • Occlusal Examination – The purpose of the occlusal examination is to understand the relationship between the upper and lower set of teeth. To see if they are aligned with each other and whether corrective action is necessary to rectify the bite. Through the occlusal examination, Dr. Anu Narang will identify potential malocclusion (bite problems) and suggest treatment if necessary.
  • Cavity Examination: Ensuring any restorative work done in the past, like dental crowns and bridges, tooth-colored fillings, and dental implants remain secure and intact. Also, look out for any new cavities and determine if a treatment is required.
  • Oral Cancer Screening: As a precautionary measure Dr. Narang will look for lesions, tissue discoloration, and other potential symptoms of oral cancer.




